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Have many friends doing site, since there is no better place to be web site, the site running for some time, feeling there are many shortcomings site, so wanted to be the title and structure changes. But we all know, edit the site will cause search engines not meet, causing your site, snapshots, abnormal position. How to minimize this abnormal situation? The following are several ways to tell you:

1, one-time changes with good title

In the intention to modify the site title, make sure good his new title. Well, so would like to modify, amend the title if you today, tomorrow is another title that is not good enough, then modify the title, so that frequent changes to the development of extremely unfavorable for the site, pay attention, please modify the one-time good title, at least that you stand to make Baidu not playing it.

2, to the website, the good old website of the new interconnection, the new websites before the old site should be retained for a period of time, to retain older versions of website data.

3, do not arbitrarily change the search engine rankings better next page, not the original URL of the site to make changes, otherwise, have been included in Web search engines may all fail, with predictable results.

4, the original site if the search engine performed well, do not arbitrarily change the site structure. If the search engine prior to performing well, the site structure should be considered comprehensive, direct and decide the right site structure.

5, the course website using SEO techniques to try to fight for the revision as soon as possible after the search engine information on your new website. Update submit your site map, to do some high-quality external links, it is necessary work.

6, increase the site outside the chain

Made changes to the site after the site should continue to increase in other related backlinks. This holding spider to your site, increase the frequency of spider visits your site, this will in the shortest possible time so that search engines update your site.

7, increasing original content

During the update site, updated daily to keep a few original articles, original articles like Baidu, which makes Baidu has reason to update your website. This will update your website, it is very important to keep the site the next step in weight.

Few points, only friends as a reference, update the website title and procedures, must be careful, this site will be a positive development

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