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Name of Student
QU Liangjun
Unit Title
Unit 1: Computer Applications in Art and Design
Assignment Title
Photoshop application techniques
Assignment No
Assignment 1
Name of Tutor
ZOU Zixun 
Name of Internal Verifier
LI Ying
Submission Deadline
November 5,2008

Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Assessment Criteria
Tutor’s decision
Internal Verification
Use a range of painting and drawing software
applications effectively and creatively
use painting software applications effectively and
creatively to present a range of work
Application of the material has certain originality
use drawing software applications effectively and
creatively to present a range of work
Basically reflects this requirement
Digitise and manipulate
Objects or images effectively
and creatively
digitise and manipulate a range of objects in an
appropriate file format effectively and creatively
Application of the material has certain originality
digitise and manipulate a range of images in an
appropriate file format effectively and creatively
Basically reflects this requirement
Merit grades awarded
Distinction grades awarded
Professor’s additional feedback and comments
Application of the material has certain originality, but not very well , The evaluations of the material meet the basic requirements
Internal verification of assignment brief (final agreed version)
IV name
I conform that this is all my own work
Student signature

Class: Art and Design 1        Number:072460102    Name: QU Liangjun
This term when I made the posters used the software is Photoshop CS2, Photoshop is ADOBE company's most well-known image processing software. From the functionalCan be Image editing, Image synthesis, Adjust color and Special effect. Can do all kinds of images such as the transformation to enlarge, reduce, rotate, tilt, mirror, perspective and so on. Can be copied, remove the spots, repair and modify images.
The poster by the contents of the Race Driver Grid, This game is one of race game about Codemasters Studio. Games will provide a perfect simulation of driving feeling. players will lead the travel of the fine track, Europe, the United States, Japan and so on. The player will had different feeling. This game used Neon game engine, this engine will create different feeling.http://baike.baidu.com/
When I made the poster. First, click the File【文件】 choose New【新建】 create aA4 paper, and named GRID. The poster is horizontal, so we click Image【图像】and choose Rotate 90°CW【顺时针旋转90度】. Then we get a ideal paper.
The second. We will insert the basis picture. Click File【文件】Open【打开】choose the picture, then used the Move【移动工具】put the basis picture in the A4 paper. But it not enough to theA4paper, we must use Free Transform【自由变换】 and hold Shift move one corner of picture, to make it full in the paper. Drag a corner so that it filled the entire basic Diban, there are some vacancies in the first half, Finish, used 【修补工具】weaken the sideline. Used insert the GRID logo, move to the location holdctrlchange the side of logo, OK pressenter. Next holdctrl click 【底版图层】and【图标图层】choose Layer【图层】Flatten Image【拼合图层】, then they become one【图层】. Last let’s adjustment color of the picture. The two layers, and then click on a synthetic image. Choose Color Balance【色彩平衡】made Levels【色阶】to0.0.-22.
Third. Insert GRID logo to the upper left, used Free Transform【自由变换】to adjustment, then enter Chinese Race Driver Grid, open Blending Options【混合选项】add Bevel and Emboss【斜面与浮雕】and Color Overlay【颜色叠加】.
At last add Codemasters logo and PC games logo. Choose PSD format, Click OK to save option. press enter.
This is my first time try to facture games poster, there are a lot of room for improvement, through the production of PS I find this tool in the classroom to listen to alone is not enough, the need is a lot of practice and we can get the corresponding harvest .I found I’m poor at Photoshop, I must do more training.
1. http://baike.baidu.com/view/1441240.html?tp=1_01
2. http://baike.baidu.com/view/117935.htm
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